Image of Aerial over San Francisco with view of government buildings and distant bay. Credit: Nicholas Klein / iStock.

Fiscal Year 2023-24
Financial Report

Revenues & Expenditures


Total Revenues FY 2023-24

Revenue by Type Total
Charges for Services (See Fee Revenue: FY 2023-24) $38,045,230
Grants, Special Revenues & Impact Fees $5,886,000
Expenditure Recovery from Other Agencies $3,518,444
General Fund Support $11,248,160

Total Fee Revenues FY 2023-24

Fee Revenue by Type Total
Building Permit Alterations $20,828,520
Building Permit New Construction $2,955,909
Environmental Review Fees $2,300,776
Other Short Range Planning Fees $2,265,737
Conditional Use Fees $3,886,314
Variance Fees $683,963
Certificate of Appropriateness Fees $144,822
Sign Program & Code Enforcement $3,242,027


Total Expenditures FY 2023-24

Expenditure by Type Total
Salaries & Fringe $37,933,925
Overhead $458,758
Non-Personnel Services, Materials & Supplies, Capital & Projects $10,818,821
Services of Other Depts $9,486,330

Financial Report


Revenue Type FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 % Change
Charges for Services $43,519,481 $43,208,666 $45,808,270 $45,074,375 $42,429,282 $38,045,230 -10.3%
Grants, Special Revenues & Impact Fees $4,516,802 $5,129,892 $6,441,150 $6,634,000 $4,464,537 $5,886,000 31.8%
Expenditure Recovery $1,470,974 $1,813,777 $2,224,990 $3,010,524 $3,794,000 $3,518,444 -7.3%
General Fund Support $3,848,730 $5,513,149 $5,971,704 $7,258,681 $13,241,614 $11,248,160 -15.1%
TOTAL $53,355,987 $55,665,484 $60,446,114 $61,977,580 $63,929,433 $58,697,834 -8.2%

Fee Revenues

Fee Revenue Type FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 % Change
Building Permit Alterations $20,896,872 $20,371,542 $25,021,455 $23,586,009 $23,596,301 $20,828,520 -11.7%
Building Permit New Construction $3,067,613 $2,971,799 $4,355,340 $3,545,983 $3,470,983 $2,955,909 -14.8%
Environmental Review Fees $7,666,887 $7,261,343 $6,123,532 $5,252,449 $2,365,535 $2,300,776 -2.7%
Other Short Range Planning Fees $4,826,135 $5,027,646 $3,304,173 $3,806,300 $2,395,324 $2,265,737 -5.4%
Conditional Use Fees $4,519,875 $4,405,479 $2,812,279 $4,395,304 $4,320,304 $3,886,314 -10.0%
Variance Fees $751,124 $737,810 $714,002 $715,935 $715,935 $683,963 -4.5%
Certificate of Appropriateness Fees $250,116 $244,212 $226,140 $159,177 $159,177 $144,822 -9.0%
Sign Program & Code Enforcement $1,540,859 $2,188,835 $3,251,349 $3,413,218 $3,381,680 $3,242,027 -4.1%
TOTAL $43,519,481 $43,208,666 $45,808,270 $44,874,375 $40,405,239 $36,308,068 -10.1%


Expenditure Type FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 % Change
Salaries & Fringe $35,895,959 $38,655,168 $39,241,559 $39,857,539 $39,990,197 $37,933,925 -5.1%
Overhead $980,944 $656,755 $965,663 $689,271 $401,241 $458,758 14.3%
Non-Personnel Services, Materials & Supplies, Capital & Projects $10,042,863 $9,072,012 $12,350,718 $12,923,708 $14,692,949 $10,818,821 -26.4%
Services of Other Depts $6,436,221 $7,281,549 $7,888,174 $8,507,062 $8,845,046 $9,486,330 7.3%
TOTAL $53,355,987 $55,665,484 $60,446,114 $61,977,580 $63,929,433 $58,697,834 -8.2%

General Fund Support

($Millions) FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 % Change
General Fund Support $3.8 $5.5 $6.0 $7.3 $13.2 $11.2 -15.2%
Fees & Other Revenues $49.5 $50.2 $54.5 $54.7 $50.7 $47.4 -6.5%
General Fund Support Percent 7% 10% 10% 12% 21% 19%
TOTAL $53.4 $55.7 $60.4 $62.0 $63.9 $58.7 -8.1%